Notice Board

Yuva Shakti Launch a Job Portal Citizen Portal Service

Friday, 27 April 2018


RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (P&IR DIVISION) Date: 21.04.2018 Recruitment for the post of Work Attendant in regular scale Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited (REIL) Jaipur is a Schedule ‘C’, “Mini Ratna” Central Public Sector Enterprises under the administrative control of Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Government of India. The Company is a profit making and dividend paying PSU since inception and has been certified with ISO 9001 : 2015 & ISO 14001 : 2015. REIL provides technology solutions for analysis of milk across all verticals of Dairy Industry sector; addresses energy needs of the rural and related urban sector through Solar Photo Voltaic; and Information Technology & security surveillance applications for e-governance, dairy vertical, small business and Government sectors. Company has achieved rapid growth in last few years and doubled its Turnover to Rs. 233.00 Crore for the year 2016-17 with three digit net worth and has aimed to achieve higher growth in near future. 1.0 APPLICATIONS have been called for: Sr. No. Name of the Post Qualification / Job Description No. of posts Category Pay Scale (Rs.) * 1. Work Attendant As per Annexure-I 01 UR – 01 6700-3%-14600 * Note: Pay revision from 01.01.2017 is under consideration For PWD (Person with Disability) candidates, reservation will be as per Government guidelines. Note: From among the received applications, if sufficient qualifying applications are not received, the Company reserves the right to relax the qualifying criteria and select from among the remaining received applications. Candidate should be Computer savvy. The written examination shall be carried out. Any corrigendum/amendment etc. with regard to this vacancy will be made available on Company’s website The candidates are advised to refer to the given website periodically for updates. 2.0 AGE LIMIT: 2.1 Upper age as on 11.05.2018 should be 40 years for General, 43 years for OBC (Noncreamy layer) and 45 years for SC/ST candidates. 2.2 Upper age limit for PWD candidates shall be relaxable by 10 years (13 years for PWD candidates belonging to OBC and 15 years for PWD candidates belonging to SC/ST category) 3.0 QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE 3.1 Work Attendant: The incumbent should be VIII pass. The candidate should have minimum 10 years or more post qualification experience of Work Attendant, in an industrial organization. The candidate having experience of Hospitality services shall be preferred. …contd.2 Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited Shaping Rural India through Electronics, Energy and IT solutions RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (P&IR DIVISION) ::-2-:: 4.0 PAY AND PERKS: 4.1 All posts will be inducted in the pay scales as indicated. 4.2 In addition to Basic pay other allowance like Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Perquisites, PF, Pension and Gratuity etc as per Company rules will be a part of remuneration package. 5.0 SELECTION METHODOLOGY For Work Attendant: 5.1 The candidates meeting the eligibility criteria will be shortlisted for the selection process. 5.2 The selection process will comprise of written test. In addition to it, a skill test will also be conducted which will be of qualifying nature only. 5.3 The eligible candidates will be required to appear for written tests (Objective type) consisting of: General Aptitude: 40 marks – comprises of general mental ability and aptitude to logical reasoning, analytical, comprehension ability, basic numeracy, data interpretation skills and general knowledge test with 40 questions. 5.4 The duration of the test will be for 40 minutes. All questions should be of equal marks (1 mark) and there would be no negative marking. 5.5 The Shortlisted candidates should produce a valid candidature proof while appearing for the written test. 5.6 The venue for the written test will be at Jaipur. The candidates have to appear in the written test at their own cost and no TA/DA etc. shall be paid by REIL. 5.7 The minimum qualifying marks in the written examination will be as under: CATEGORY PERCENTAGE General / OBC Total 35% SC/ST/PWD Total 30% 5.8 Candidates qualifying in the written test will be called for Skill Test which would be of qualifying nature only. 5.9 Final merit list will be made on the basis of marks obtained in the written test only for those candidates who will qualify in the skill test. 5.10 In case of tie of marks in the written test, the candidate having more experience will be placed above in the merit list. 5.11 However, the candidature of the applicant will be provisional and is subject to verification of Certificates /Testimonials submitted by him/her. Based on the marks in the written test, experience weightage, provisionally short-listed / selected candidates will be called for document verification. The candidates have to produce the original documents and submit the self-attested copies of the following documents: a) Passport size photograph, which was paste at the time of filling the application. b) VIII class marks card and any other valid document as proof of date of birth. RAJASTHAN ELECTRONICS & INSTRUMENTS LIMITED, JAIPUR (P&IR DIVISION) .…contd.3/- ::-3-:: c) No Objection Certificate from your present employer (if you are employed in Govt/Quasi Govt/PSU) if applicable. d) Candidates belonging to SC / ST / OBC /PWD need to submit their caste / tribe / disability certificate as per the prescribe format. e) Candidates with relevant disability of not less than 40 per cent only will be eligible for reservation and relaxation as PWD. Disability certificate issued by the Medical Board in the prescribed format. f) Experience certificate. Note: Please note that if candidate fail to produce any of the above certificates, candidate candidature will be disqualified. HOW TO APPLY The candidates are required to submit their applications as per the prescribed format only, available on Website, with copies of proof of date of birth, qualifications, experience, caste and a recent passport size photograph etc., in hard copy. The scanned copy of the application alongwith required documents may be sent to the e-mail id given below. However, the hard copy of the application along with all supporting documents should reach to the following address within 21 days of publishing on website. The application(s) received after the due date will not be considered. The application(s) so received shall be acknowledged and application number shall be allotted, and accordingly application no. of the shortlisted candidates and finally selected candidates shall be hosted on Company’s website. Candidates working with Government, PSU or Autonomous bodies etc. should forward their application through proper channel. Relaxation to SC,ST,OBC,PH, Ex-Serviceman and Sports person would be given as per Government guidelines. Addl. General Manager (P&IR) Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Limited, 2, Kanakpura Industrial Area, Sirsi Road, Jaipur – 302012 Email: ********

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